Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Shiiiiit (Clay Davis Voice)

I sincerely apologize for lagging on this blogging bizness.  School, work, and this internship have been weighing me down, but I'm gonna try to stay on top of my shit for all three of you that read this ( love you mom!).

Good news for those of you that like hip hop and punchlines.  A new Big L album, The Devil's Son, is slated to be released on November 23, 2010 with 21 previously unreleased tracks.  Big L's brother, Donald Phinazee, had this to say about the project:

"This album will show where he should have been and where he was about to go.  It's going on 12-years since he has been gone.  He would have been that one; this project will show where he would've been at."

The album has production from Showbiz and Lord Finesse among others.  On an unrelated note here's a great video from Sean P, so take heed